Video Consultation (Near Me)
Near Me is a video consulting service that enables people to have health and social care appointments from home or wherever is convenient. All you need is a device for making video calls like a smartphone and an internet connection. Near Me is a secure form of video consulting approved for use by the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland.
How does Near Me work?
We will give you a website address for our video clinic. We will also give you an appointment date and time when you should start your video call. You do not need to download an App or create an account.
Near Me video consulting is not suitable for all consultations, for example, if you need a physical examination or a procedure. We can advise you on what is appropriate for you.
To make a Near Me call, you need:
- A device for making a video call, such as a smartphone, tablet or computer with a webcam and speaker (often built into laptops)
- A reliable internet connection – wired or WiFi or mobile data. If you can watch a video online, your connection should be good enough for a video call
- The Chrome or Safari web browser
- A private, well-lit area for your consultation